Roy Greenslime Outed In Independent

Roy Greenslade’s disgracefully dishonest career as a Sinn Fein shill masquerading as journalist, academic and media commentator was comprehensively exposed today by Stephen Glover writing in the Independent.

The delicious details can be read here.

Followers of this blog will know that I have written before about Greenslade’s other life as a secret correspondent for An Phoblacht/Republican News but Glover adds more recent details about Greenslime’s covert existence as a cheerleader for the Provo leadership: that he spoke last June at a Sinn Fein conference on the 1981 hunger strike (we can be sure there was no mention of Richard O’Rawe there!), has written under his own name for An Phoblacht (now that it’s safe to do so in these days of IRA ceasefires), has a holiday home in Co. Donegal (presumably adjacent to Costa del Provo) and counts Pat ‘Smiler’ Doherty, former IRA Director of Intelligence, as a friend.

Why does he never reveal these very relevant details when he writes in the Guardian about matters Irish, Republican and Sinn Fein? It’s called disclosure Roy. Responsible journalists are supposed to disclose a conflict of interest when they have one, as you do when it comes to writing about Irish politics. You have a dog in the fight, as they say in this country, and your readers deserve to know that.

5 responses to “Roy Greenslime Outed In Independent

  1. Sean Gallagher

    Pat Doherty is his wife’s uncle so he is much closer than you think – his house was once owned by Lord George Hill and is a bit grand for a Marxist to be using as a second residence – why as a marxist he needs one is beyond me

  2. Has Stephen Glover really done his homework for this piece? This sentence makes me wonder:

    “Given his sympathies, it is fair to surmise that Mr Greenslade dislikes Mr McDonald’s articles about Sinn Fein’s links to organised crime, and saw his recent piece as an attempt to blacken the organisation.”

    I didn’t remember McDonald ever writing something in the Guardian / Observer about ‘Sinn Fein’s links to organised crime’; I looked through the first 10 pages of his articles (at and didn’t find anything, and the article on the Belfast killing doesn’t mention anything like that, the only mention of SF is the following:

    ‘Belfast’s Sinn Féin lord mayor, Niall Ó Donnghaile, said he was shocked by the killing and expressed sympathy for the victim’s family.’

    So where does he get this stuff about the Provos and organised crime from?

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  4. ruth dudley edwards didn’t reference this blog. the stuff about natascha Mcelhone was facinating. Donegal has it all apparently.

  5. So where does he get this stuff about the Provos and organised crime from?
    Probably this sort of thing
    or indeed
    Repeats ad finitum

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